Let’s Talk About Cancer

The Client

True Story Tent

TST is a platform that supports and encourages the sharing of true personal stories from the Middle East.


“Lets talk about Cancer” was the first of many themed story nights for TST.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and so it was the perfect time to start a discussion on an occurrence so widespread within our community and yet still very much kept on the hush hush. The event was not limited to breast cancer but open to any and all kinds of cancer and it was so incredible to be able to collaborate with the Cancer Association of Oman, to bring these stories to light, and hopefully encourage an atmosphere that supports people to tell their stories without stigma that surrounds cancer.

October 2019

Deliverable: One 1080 x 1080 px or 1:1 artwork

Function: Events Poster, and Discount Vouchers for dinner at the event location.

Uses: Social Media Advertising, Instagram Poster, Vouchers.

Theme: Cancer

Client requirements: Artist has creative freedom, as long as the theme was reflected in final artwork.

Medium: Acrylic Painting

The process for this piece started with a photograph. I used myself as a reference to capture the pose I was looking for.

As usual when working with Abdullah I was given free reign on creative direction. I wanted the imagery to portray a sense of strength as well as sense of pride, for the courage and determination of the people whose lives had been affected by Cancer. It was important that the figure be ambiguous in gender so as not to alienate anyone and to invite all people to share their experiences. I decided to drape the breast cancer ribbon around the figures body as a garment of honor.




Story Sanctuary